

LEADER press Ltd. Publishing, has already run ai magazine, aimed at automotive and mechanical engineering and economy already for the 10th year. ai magazine is bimonthly journal. It will be published in March, May, Jun, September, October and December. Contributions are published in Slovak and Czech or in English. As part of each issue is a résumé of articles in English, register of companies, a list of publishing companies and advertisers with a reference to the page number and the web address of a specific company.

Electronic Form (E-form) of ai magazine – at disposal for everyone and free of charge

As the first journal in Slovakia in its category ai magazine has already been available in e-form from the first issue for eight years. All previous issues are available in the archive. In the electronic version of ai magazine on, where you can click-through via a particular issue of ai magazine located on the home page, are the active links of all companies advertising in a specific issue. Therefore you can get more information about a concrete company offer directly on company’s website. On the home pages of ai magazine there is also up-to-date information about readability of the ai magazine.

More information about the ai magazine is in the editorial plan.

Editorial plan ai magazine 2023 - download PDF
Advertising rates ai magazine 2023 - download PDF
aktuálne vydanie zobraziť archív vydaní
ai magazine 3/2023 vyšiel 6.7.2023
PDF číslo na stiahnutie
ai magazine 4/2023 vyjde 8.9.2023
Uzávierka podkladov 24.8.2023
kalendár podujatí a výstav
najčítanejšie za 7 dní
LEADER press, s.r.o., vydavateľstvo odborných časopisov, Dolné Rudiny 2956/3, 010 01 Žilina
© LEADER press, s.r.o. Autorské práva sú vyhradené a vykonáva ich prevádzkovateľ portálu.
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